The following three TYPE 56 standard files are generated automatically every time the BUI file is saved: <ul> <li>a file containing all information about the building excluding the wall construction (*.BLD) and</li> <li>another file that contains the ASHRAE transfer functions for the walls (*.TRN).</li> <li>In addition, an information file (*.INF) is generated as log file which needs to be checked for error messages. The information file contains the processed BUI file followed by the values of wall transfer function coefficients, the overall heat transfer conductance U and the related Uvalue. This information may be useful for the user in verifying the wall description data. Next, the list of inputs required for the Type 56 is printed. These will most commonly be outputs of other components in the TRNSYS simulation. Also, the information file (*.INF) provides a list of outputs of Type 56 as selected by the user. These outputs may be inputs to other components. Finally, a brief table with all of the wall types and their U-values is printed to the information file.</li> </ul> The *.BLD and *.TRN files are used by TYPE 56 during the simulation process. The generated files get the name as the opened *.BUI file and are located in the same directory. If an error occurs, no files are generated. A window displays for detailed information on the error. |
It looks like if I want to use the Heat Tansfer Coefficient based on the results from OpenFoam, I need modify the .inf file somehow. The Heat Transfer Coefficient depends on the Wall Surface Temperatue and the Air Temperature close to the wall. Usually, the convective heat transfer coefficient of wall is set per wall type either as userdefined or as internal calculation. During the internal calculation, the AirNode temperature is used, which will be replaced by OpenFoam in the Coupling. So, I think we should choose it as userdefined. Under userdefined dialog, we can see 3 options: Constant Value, Input, Schedule. Input should be the right choice, which means the convective heat transfer coefficient of each wall are defined as input for Type56. We can calculate them and save data in an external file. Because of the variation of the Air Temperature in CFD, the Heat Transfer Coefficient could also be variable. That means, for each surface of the geometry, a wall type should be defined according to the air temperature. 
from 05-MultizoneBuilding.pdf page 5-121 Type 56 also offers the possibility to define a certain energy flux to a certain wall surface. |
I searched whole day without success, the workflow is to use the heat flux value from OpenFoam for surface energy balance calculation instead of the process of internal calculation with airnode temperature. If Fluent is used, maybe Type 101 is just right for this, but OpenFoam is the tool available to me. I must find another solution to make this happen. I don’t really understand the setting of Wall Gain , is this just means Convective Heat Flux?